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Origin SeriesLet's Play All of Hollow Knight, blind
Initial AppearanceInitial Appearance Stream

Rufus is RTGame's headcanon name for Hollow Knight's player character, The Knight. He is equipped with the old nail at the start but throughout the game, Rufus upgrades his nail and gains many new abilities to aid him in his quest.

He is often sidetracked with other quests and defeats enemies much more stronger than he is, although he can get lost quite easily and often is sidetracked with finding a map. Later in the game when Rufus meets with Grimm, he is given a Grimmchild who is later named "The Child".


The Nail

The Nail is Rufus's main weapon that he used throughout the game. The Nail is upgraded for stronger attacks, and charged attacks called Nail Arts which Rufus learned from the Nailmaster.