International Bee Republic (1.14)
- Coordinates: -8000,-8000
- Mayor: BallPointPen_
- Co-Mayor DanimalJD
- Population: 8
- Status: Active
First established by BallPointPen_ and DanimalJD in February of 2020, the International Bee Republic is a town in the top corner of the world near the -8000,-8000 coordinates. After a long pilgrimage to the top of the world, camp was set up with the goal of a making a nation built upon a foundation of bees. The original base to get things set up was set up in a hidden area behind a artificial waterfall still remaining there to this day and acting as the base of the owners. After getting comfortable, the actual town was created. After no luck attempting to get people to join a plan was made to attract interest. The plan was to create a massive bee statue using thousands of concrete blocks. A secondary project was also started to create a wall enclosing over a biome to act as a border and a way of controlling mob population. A player known as Friendly_Canadian soon joined and helped out with projects, expanding the town, remodeling the nether highway that leads to the town, and getting people to join. Not to mention just being a friendly face in the community. After construction of the bee statue population began to finally rise.