Birthday Island (1.14)
Birthday island was first conceptualized around January of 2020, shortly after the Secret Santa event wrapped up. With many players starting to miss out on irl birthdays due to the COVID-19 quarantine, the project was kickstarted sooner than anticipated. Construction began April 3rd, when WhimsyBridges, Cynder, and AverageGaymer tested out a building and interior decoration on the creative server. Deemed a Jonas_00_-approved building, an island was chosen west of Newer Alaska for the real model. Recreating the building took approximately two irl days, with plenty of help from friends. A month in, Birthday Island has already hosted 3 celebrations, hopefully with many more to come.
The birthday list is opt-in. To opt-in or hear of other parties, you can join the Discord server here.
Concept/construction: WhimsyBridges
Creative server construction/worldedit skills: _Cynder_
Overworld construction: WolfKnightSlayer, albuq
Dance Floor: Cynder
Disco booth, cake dispenser, and "Happy Birthday" noteblock song: AverageGaymer
Uno Gazebo (WIP): EzaHellz