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Revision as of 20:18, 26 September 2019 by EzaPHellz (talk | contribs) (Colossal)
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What Is Colossal Now?


Colossal is one of the richer Towns compared to some others and is generally very spaced out and very well designed buildings. With some point of interests being the Colossal Docks or Ruins Statues. It is in no way struggling but thriving at the moment as it is receiving a population boost and its great income and profits. For example the local Company 'Colossal Isle' with thriving mending sales earning a good percentage of Colossal's economy.One of the recent new builds, the new Town Center and is planned out for many great things to turn Colossal from a small successful Town into a City.




Colossal started off on the Colossal Isle as the Mayor EzaPHellz originally built a private island with a massive farm to have lots of food far away from any major Town. This turned into the 'Colossal Isle' business soon after he ended up with way more food than intended. The small company made little profits, but that didn't stop 'Colossal HQ' being born that become one of the Colossal Provinces. After this things settled down until EzaPHellz got the first conduit of Colossal and built an underwater base that you can visit today in the Underwater Province. Soon after this Colossal was born as islands nearby was colonised and used as the early town as a community was born. Soon after this Colossal went further and built 'Colossal Plaza' one of the great attractions of Colossal nowadays. This is when the first residents came along and started the goal to become an official Town. Soon later the Colossal Highway was made and connects the Underwater Provinces. Soon after that the Dock's plans were made and the operation started as the Docks were made on the Colossal Isle. Soon after the Town Center was born and Colossal become a greater place. That concludes Colossal's History as we start to plan our future ahead.

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