Not Dublin

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Revision as of 02:25, 4 December 2019 by teamwinftw (talk | contribs)
2019-12-03 15.39.56.png
Not Dublin
FoundedNovember 12, 2019
StatusActive (Public)
Coordinates-88, 2878

Not Dublin is a settlement located due south of Spawn. It can be accessed via the Blue Highway. The settlement was established by Mattimeith, TeamwinFTW, and Angry_Chef near the location of TeamwinFTW's original base. Not Dublin is open to the public. At the time of writing, five plots have been marked out and are available for building.


  • Mattimeith (Founder)
  • TeamwinFTW (Founder)
  • Angry_Chef (Founder)
  • Magmaticsleet13 (Peasant)


Not Dublin was founded on November 12, 2019 when TeamwinFTW, Angry_Chef, and Mattimeith held a coup against the oppressive reign of MrSergeant. MrSergeant had intentions to write a server-wide constitution, to which the founders of Not Dublin agreed to aide in. However, within impressive time, disputes among members arose as several parties went AFK and then returned, requesting to examine MrSergeant's constitution. Upon examination, a very select party began editing the constitution in a very non-democratic manner. After some bargaining, MrSergeant's constitution was politely stolen and the founders of Not Dublin found refuge in the shadow of TeamwinFTW's mountain.

Points of Interest


The Courthouse was the first building to be built. It houses the Not Dublin Constitution and is used for settling disputes. It also serves as a nice decorative building that enlivens the settlement. The second level houses Angry_Chef's home and two vacation apartments for TeamwinFTW and Mattimeith.

Spire Park

Nine one hundred and twenty block-tall polished diorite towers, inspired entirely by the infamous Dublin Spire, beautify the settlement. Given that each Minecraft block is a meter by a meter, the Not Dublin Spires are to-scale replicas of the real-life spire. They loom over the landscape as a one-of-a-kind landmark and beautiful eyesore. A log spire has also been erected upon a nearby mountain which mirrors a similar design to those found in Spire Park. There are plans to build more spires made of various kinds of materials, andesite included.


The graveyard is a compact area near the center of the settlement which houses the bodies of deceased mobs. Each time a fondly animal unintentionally dies, its remains are transferred to the graveyard and a sign placed in honor of it. Of note is a small unmarked grave located in the back right corner of the graveyard, which holds the remains of an unknown wool salesman.

The Potato Tower Farm™

The Potato Tower Farm™ is located just south of the Town Hall and Storage buildings. It's currently only four storeys tall, however expansion is planned for the near future. The farm is public and supplies all residents with quality Not Irish Potatoes™.

jeb_ Observation Deck™

The jeb_ Observation Deck™ is a small enclosure that houses a mythical jeb_ sheep. jeb_ the Sheep has become the settlement mascot, alongside Chick-fil-A the Chicken.