DosneyLand Stream Build

From RTGame Wiki
Revision as of 11:54, 12 June 2020 by NaomiPaoni #0697 (talk | contribs) (Added some screenshots)

The Dosney land build stream is the most cursed content ever produced by RT. At first, it started as a simple stream to represent all of the great Knockoff D*sney merchandise and movies. (See Frozen Land and A Car's Life) Using this theme as a base, the fan-base went to very dark places in their mindscape, and multiple cursed objects appeared on the stream, like the many Possessed Monkey Mouses, and the many cartoon characters that got decimated during the stream. The stream also featured many roller coasters and attractions, like the boat that kills you, and "Ricky's Adventure." Memes and jokes aside, it was a great stream that featured many creative statues and attractions.



Uptime: 02:01:10

Date: August 18th 2019

Title: "We're building a knock-off Disneyland"
