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PopulationUnknown (Varies)
Coordinates320, -400

Dublin is a large former district of Godhaven and was founded on July 13th, 2019. Its first mayor, ShiftyIsSwifty, created many small houses; however, very few people joined. On July 16th, Dublin joined Godhaven and became its 7th district. The same day, a large hole was constructed next to the district which brought tourism to the town, and many new residents joined. After about a month, ShiftyIsSwifty disappeared and Dublin was left with no mayor. About two months later, Thejmqn, the Godhaven mayor, assigned new mayors to lead the district back to its former glory. Four mayors were all assigned, but they all either disappeared, were banned, or moved away. In November, DrthVrdrMarenghi (formerly known as DrthVrdr or VrdrMarenghi) took over the district and improved the look. Many new residents joined, and the town is still doing well today. Once the Dublin Wall, a large wall surrounding three sides of the town was built, Dublin seceded from Godhaven and became an independent town. Dublin currently has five districts, Main Dublin, Outer Dublin, Mississippi District, South Dublin, and the RT Town district. Each has their own general theme.

South Dublin in particular has had a recent renovation, due to the then current mayor DrthVrdrMarenghi disliking how that district had no matching theme to mirror Main Dublins birch theme. It was then decided, with the introduction of a new district mayor Drolnogard, that the district will undergo a renovation to fit a swamp theme; replacing the various birch, dirt, oak and spruce with a more uniform appearance of dark oak, dark oak planks, vines and lanterns. The decision was made after some complications with the previous district mayor, Abruptfern, who was asked to step down so Drolnogard can take over leadership of that district. Soon enough Drolnogard was chosen to fully take over Dublin as the new mayor and is the current mayor to date.

There is an ongoing feud between Coleraine's mayor _Cynder_ and Dublins current mayor Drolnogard: both of which continuously attempt to annex each other (in a joking manner of course). Currently, Dublin is attempting to annex the mayors house with signs, to which _Cynder_ has removed these signs around her house. Dublin now has cannons aimed at Coleraine ready to annex whenever negotiations break down.

Historical Sites

Dublin in its entirety has various different Historical sites, which are almost like places of notoriety, but these ones are special to dublin as they have marked key points in the towns life span. Examples of these Historical sites are:

  • Tesco, which was made first in Dublin. It was featured in the RT server stream and was also built in various build streams.
  • DrthVrdrMarenghi house. He was the acting mayor ever since ShiftyIsSwifty became inactive. Upon Drth's inacitvity, it was made into a historical site to honour his memory.
  • ShiftyIsSwifty's house. This house is theorised to be Shifty's house as it is the oldest historical site in the town, but nobody knows for sure who used to own this site other than the previous mayor, who has long since stepped down.

Points of interest

Dublin has many exciting Points of interest to visit. These points of interest make up the bulk of Dublins appeal and bring a fresh of breath air and attracts countless members to look at them. The points of interest are as follows:

  • There is a large statue of WhimsyBridges, with a plaque stating them as an "Esteemed Capitalist".
  • Slightly north of the Statue is the Dublin Courthouse and Jail, where criminals can be tried for crimes, such as bad fashion.
  • In the southwest of the town, there is a large farm that contains over 200 blocks of wheat and can be used by anyone. A tree and berry farm can also be found there.
  • The main attraction, the Dublin golf course, has a traditional 18 holes and can be played by anyone. Some holes even are underground and have a mining theme. The Dublin golf course also borders the 18 hole East Godhaven golf course. Both courses can be played for a 36 hole tournament.
  • Nearby the golf course is Dublin Mountain, which contains two landmarks: those being the Dublin Bunker, which has a small chicken and wheat farm for emergency situations, and has the old base of KittFoonya behind it. Above the bunker is the Dublin Spire, which reaches to height limit and has a staircase on the exterior that reaches up to about 3/4 of the Spire's height.
  • There is also the dublin bed tornado which is made up of various beds in the style of a tornado.
  • Mississippi also has a library, where one can visit to read some books in peace and quiet.
  • In south dublin there is the Toblerone, which pierces the sky. It is hard to miss.
  • Surrounding South dublin is the Dublin wall which defends South dublin from Coleraine.
  • Dublin has a public mine for anyone to use, albeit has long since been mined out but legends say there are a few diamonds left in this old mine.
  • There are two embassies in Dublin: one being TK's and the other being Karanzi embassy.
  • The first main Point of intrest created in Dublin is the hole which was dug. it has various text inside such as "Egg" and was the main attraction in Dublin.
  • There is a trainline connecting All the districts of Dublin with each other.
  • In South Dublin lies the recently unearthed remains of a Triceratops.
  • There are three storage area's in Dublin and south Dublin. Each are for public use: to holding storage and to hold inactive players item's.
  • The current mayor (Drolnogard's) castle.
  • The pant temple in Steelport extended it's reach to Dublin and has a few members there as well.

Build Code

Dublin does not have a set build code in any way. Instead it simply has a theme, which varies by district. Main Dublin mainly has buildings with oak/ birch log frames and with a trim of the corresponding planks. The Mississippi District has Dark Oak/ Stone Brick buildings, South Dublin has Dark oak pathways and dark oak buildings on stilts, and RT Town is a mix of Mississippi and South Dublin's theming. The themes in each district are not concrete, and can be ignored. DrthVrdrMarenghi used to help anybody who needed help with their house, by doing things like suggesting changes and pitching in himself, however he stood down as mayor. Drolnogard's policy, with Drolnogard being the new mayor, is different. If the residents need help, they can ask Drolnogard and they will receive it.


Dublin has very similar rules to every other town albeit with some differences the normal rules of the RT server apply in this town these rules are as follows

  1. Follow the theme of each district without fail, as the houses that dont follow the theme will be asked to change.
  2. Be nice to your fellow residents, as conflict is not welcome here.
  3. No robbing or griefing any houses. Any sign of this will be modrequed and treated harshly.
  4. Empty houses are vacant and can be moved into at any time.
  5. Feel free to build a house on any district on the path. Just follow the theme (rule 1).
  6. Always replant farms. Failure to do so will be modrequed.
  7. No digging any holes in town, as they look bad.
  8. Do not under any circumstances destroy any of the trees on the golf course, as they are used for decoration.
  9. Do not claim the roads, as they need to be changed sometimes.
  10. Join the republic discord to be given hive access and make it easier for the republic leaders to message you.