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Revision as of 07:17, 22 October 2019 by Professor Sword 0877 (talk | contribs) (the day of the end. although its history is still here, the remnant of its once liveliness lives on. Hopefully Sai city can be different)


Sakurium is a town known for it's drama it is made up mainly of skyscrapers, taking its design from modern-day cities.

City of Bloom


Location of Sakurium on the dynamic map.

Located South West of spawn. Roughly 3,000 blocks north of the world border.


Sakurium is an urban skyscraper city with high-rises mostly made of quartz and concrete. Due to the strict build style and over the top government, it drove a lot of the player base away.

The city is notorious for its tough restrictions and elitist manor as well as having drama surrounding it. This toxicity led to the town's demise. The town went inactive for several months around the time they were building suburbs.

It used to be only inhabited by some active members like DrthVrdr, SergeyMeyer (Owner of M&P Enterprises), Kassen, and some other members. There are other, less active residents, who comes on to check their profits in the market or come online to use Sakurium's Villager Tower, which is home to a few villagers to trade with.

A Slight Revival

With the entrance of a new promising mayor, "DrthVrdr", along with the opening of the end dimension, some old and new Sakurium citizens began trickling back to support the several month inactive town. Around the time it had been inactive, Sakurium was labeled as a bad town for it's inactivity, toxicity, and drama. Some of the few players that came back began to attempt to completely finish the urban section, hoping that they can get out of the hole that had already dug themselves into.

The suburban district of Sakurium, also known as Hajimari, has split off from the main Sakurium city. It has plans to create a brand new town, with much less government and restrictions, similar to the style of Godhaven or Somewhere. They are planning ideas and collecting materials for the coming days for their new town.

The Day of the End (And the Beginning)

The Suburban district, now renamed to Sai City, has gained traction and developed a better stance in the role of a proper town. Sakurium on the other hand, is now rendered a metropolitan ghost town. It may look great and mighty with its tall towers and epic modern beauty, but it doesn't hide the fact that, no one lives there anymore. The people that are currently still there are simply re-constructors, finishing up the forgotten towers of uninterested citizens that were left behind. Although it does have some important areas such as the James Terminal and the Villager Tower, villagers can be relocated, train stations moved. And once this happens, Sakurium will be truly alone.

With no other option left for the empty, inactive, modern, highrise town, Sakurium officially on Oct. 22, 2019, merged with Sai City, making themselves only a district of their former selves. As for the other districts, they have the same standing. It's just up for the government of Sai City to handle them.

The Town of the Second Server, Sakurium, was created on Aug. 20, 2018 and continued onto the Third Server, where it finally ended on Oct. 22, 2019. The history of Sakurium lasted a total of 428 days. The town faced hardships, friendships, disputes, advancements, and in-activeness throughout its entire play through. It's been a long, tough time, and it's finally time for the town of Sakurium to rest.

Significant Locations

The M&P Enterprises Melon Tower (Currently a work in progress and moved to another location due to unauthorized construction)

The Sakurium Villager Tower

James Terminal

The M&P Enterprises Melon Tower during construction.

The New World Trade Center